He has helped shape up Vardhman's investment in Baddi, Himachal Pradesh, India right from the beginning. Starting with an initial investment of Rs 32 crores he has led the team which put up 9 factories with a cumulative investment of approximately Rs. 1500 crores and a direct employment of over 7000 people. After stabilization of manufacturing operations of the Group in Himachal Pradesh, he shifted to Vardhman Group Corporate Office in Ludhiana to help Group's overall operations in different businesses.
In 2010, he took charge of Vardhman Group’s steel division- Vardhman Special Steels Ltd. as the Vice-Chairman/ Managing Director. He transformed the culture of the steel division into a growth oriented company, Installed a new rolling mill and helped to improve the productivity in the Steel Melting Shop which lead to a significant increase in production from 60,000 tons to 170,000 tons. Under his leadership the company’s turnover grew from 250 Cr to 1100Cr.